Friday, October 21, 2005

I have found a rather useful tutorial for creating a database in MS Access. The tutorial can be found here.

Hope that it helps!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Cover work for Year 10B (19th October, 2005)

Here is a checklist of work that you should have in your folders. Use this lesson to ensure that it is all there:

Evidence of:

  • Paper based research (2 sources)
  • Use of copy and paste
  • Use of number
  • Use of clipart
  • Planning layouts
  • Consistency
  • Process of development
  • Spell checking
  • Saving work (file names and folders)
  • Advanced searching using google
  • Explanation of what search terms mean


Just as you did for the clip art, you need to compare different resources that you have found, and say why the sources that you used were most appropriate.

You will need:

Screenshots of:

  • Blockbuster showing a film that you have used
  • or another film site that is nerdy about films
  • A web site produced by the company that made the film.

  • Who is the target audience for each of these websites?
  • Describe what you think the audience is
  • What you think the audience wants from the websites (the purpose)
  • Whether you think the website is appropriate for you to use or not (hint – which one is aimed, as is your leaflet, at people just wanting enough information to choose a film to watch?)

Evidence that you have used web based sources if information:

  • Screenshot of a page from your leaflet
  • A screenshot of that film on the blockbuster website
  • Annotation explaining what you can see.

cover for Year 11D (19th October, 2005)

Use this lesson to ensure that everything we have done is up to date.


  • User requirements
  • Step by step breakdown of tasks
  • Problems with current system
  • Methods of collecting data – describe/evaluate different methods Explain how you went about collecting your information (times, dates, phone calls etc (make it up!))
  • Inputs, processes and outputs
  • Hardware - explain main components that you need to think about
  • Justify choice of PC system in light of tasks that company wants to do
  • Software choice – between access and excel
  • Database design doc – including annotations
  • Primary key
  • 1 to many relationship
  • set up the 3 tables in access. (for the widgets table, leave the field types as text for now, and don’t do the validation)

This is a good explanation if what a database is, and how it works:

If you are struggling to understand how the tables link together, try this page:

If you feel that you have completed all the above, try picking a topic from:

Make some notes in Word for revision, before the mocks.


About Me

The one problem that I find as an ICT teacher is that all these kids get in the way of my interaction with the computers