Thursday, July 12, 2012

Year 10 cover (10A/10C/10D)

Having seen everyone’s work, you all have some way to go towards finishing the digital poster and the writeup (Activity 2 review – last section)

Remember that this is meant to be a digital poster, so you can use the animation available to you in powerpoint to do things that you couldn’t do in print.

Also, remember that this is effectively a poster and not a presentation – this means that you need to limit the text – no long recipes etc.

Make sure that activity 2 review is complete – use feedback from other people to improve your work

Year 9s

Logo development

Several pieces of feedback that you should act upon:
1)      The aim of this is to promote local charities, not raise money
2)      Local can be a wider area than just Tenbury
3)      The union jack imples the UK – rather larger than “local”

Since we last discussed research, the exam board has made a decision about who will do the catering at the event – getting outside contractors such as clockhouse is no longer acceptable YOU have to plan for and cost the catering that you will put on.

Research task: what equipment will you need in order to do the catering? Where will it come from and how much will it cost? All this needs to go into the sources table

You also need to produce a 20 sec radio advert. With your test buddy, you need to start planning what you will say, what sould effects you will need and if you want to include any music.

The sound recording (you speaking) must be recorded outside lessons – we will edit it in class however.

Remember to put all sources into your sources table.

Year 8

Shared/ict/year 8/ and there is a worksheet called year 8 comic strips – this should be fairly self explanatory.

About Me

The one problem that I find as an ICT teacher is that all these kids get in the way of my interaction with the computers