Saturday, August 30, 2003

Extending your browser Part I

A web browser, "out of the box" does quite a lot, but there are always some cool little extras that it would be nice if it did do, too.

Here are 2 add-ons that apply to both IE and Mozilla.

1) The Stumbleupon toolbar. This works on the idea that most people only visit a relatively small number of web sites, often on the recommendation of a friend. This tool bar suggests sites to you, and allows you to rate that sites that you visit - in time, the suggestions that it makes become more and more appropriate to your profile. (I find that I want to go back to around 70-80% of the sites that it kicks up!).
To get it, you go to the website, and click on the link - as simple as that, for both IE and Mozilla.

2) The Google toolbar. This adds all the functionality of the Google search engine to your toolbar, and then some. Extra features include News searches, pop-up blocking(!), search-within-page and site, search-term-highlighting, and integration with (this site).

You will need to download an exe file (a program that installs the toolbar) for IE. For mozilla, go to mozdev (The mozilla developer site), and select the link installation. This will take you to the page with the different versions on it. Select one, and choose install. This will install automatically, and become available when you restart Mozilla.

About Me

The one problem that I find as an ICT teacher is that all these kids get in the way of my interaction with the computers