Cover for DP
Thurs Period 1 9S
Continue with spreadsheet model from last lesson.
Make sure that all data from info sheets 1-3 are entered – after each sheet is finished, the questions at the bottom need to be recorded on the Answer sheet document.
Once the model is complete, load the test sheet doc from the shared files. Record the answers next to the questions up to question 6.
At question 6, add the new data to the model, save it with a different name and repeat the first 6 questions – record your answers next to the previous answers for the first recording studio.
Thurs Period 2 10C
Review work so far – ensure that everything is complete. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS – they explain everything that you need to do!
Make sure that your leaflet is consistent – that means that the layout should be the same for every page, that you have used the same font, size and colour for the descriptions, titles etc.
You need print screens of 2 double pages – annotate to say what fonts etc you have used – read the instructions for more information!
Think back on our discussion about which web site is most suitable for you to use as a source of information: (internet movie database)
Film distributor’s site
Who is the audience for each site? Do any of them have an audience in common with your leaflet? If so, explain why you think that this would make if a useful source of information.
Thurs Period 3 10D
Remind Dominic Cowles to go through his work updating the areas for improvement identified yesterday.
Review work so far – ensure that everything is complete. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS – they explain everything that you need to do!
Make sure that your leaflet is consistent – that means that the layout should be the same for every page, that you have used the same font, size and colour for the descriptions, titles etc.
You need print screens of 2 double pages – annotate to say what fonts etc you have used – read the instructions for more information!
Think back on our discussion about which web site is most suitable for you to use as a source of information: (internet movie database)
Film distributor’s site
Who is the audience for each site? Do any of them have an audience in common with your leaflet? If so, explain why you think that this would make if a useful source of information.
Thurs Period 4 10C
Review work so far – ensure that everything is complete. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS – they explain everything that you need to do!
Make sure that your leaflet is consistent – that means that the layout should be the same for every page, that you have used the same font, size and colour for the descriptions, titles etc.
You need print screens of 2 double pages – annotate to say what fonts etc you have used – read the instructions for more information!
Think back on our discussion about which web site is most suitable for you to use as a source of information: (internet movie database)
Film distributor’s site
Who is the audience for each site? Do any of them have an audience in common with your leaflet? If so, explain why you think that this would make if a useful source of information.
Thurs Period 5 10C
Create a new Word document called “Theory”
Save it in your GCSE ICT folder
You will need to get a copy of the ICT for You text book from the shelves at the back of the room. As I have mentioned before, you will have to do some theory exams – one at the end of year 10, your GCSE mock at Christmas in year 11, and your GCSE – we need to start putting together notes and doing work towards it!
Review chapter 1 – hardware and software.
You need to do:
activity 1 – to warm up your brains!
Activity 2 – starting to create a set of revision notes
Activity 3 – download, don’t draw a diag of the internals of a computer and annotate.
Web sites that you could use: