Cover for DP Wed 12th March
Period 2 – 11C
Please remind students of the deadline of the end of this term for completing their coursework. They should check the spreadsheet in:
To see what they need to do for projects 1a, 1b and 2.
Anyone who has completed a section and can explain to someone else what to do will be thanked when I get back!
For latest versions of guidance for 1a and 1b, see :
Shared/ict/gcseict/1a/project 1a template2
Shared/ict/gcseict/1b/project 1b template up to grade A
… for ideas.
Periods 4 and 5
9S and 9H
Students have been producing promotional materials for a school production of Joseph. (posters and a flyer)
In shared/ICT/Year 9/drama production project/ they should open the evaluation sheet and work through it.
If they need help adding links to their existing work, they can click on the video clips, and a demo is there to show them what to do.