Cover for DP 3rd November
group 1: students who sit on printer side of room - facing bus bay
Mark band 5-7 of add on marks.
google for a diag. relating to health and safety and ICT. identify the common health problems associated with using a PC and how to avoid them. You could either annotate a diagor write a list. BEWARE: most of the common diags that you find that are already labelled have been around for years and simply using one of these and/or changing a few words in the text will get you no marks.
research task: what type of software is a driver and what does it do?
Everyone else: get on with your work!
Mark band 3-4 in add on marks:
You need to consider the pros and cons of three different scenarios - on-line vs high street shopping, email vs post for keeping in touch with Auntie Val in Oz, and doing your homework on the computer or my hand
indow ledge behind where Charlotte sits there are a bunch of film reviews, cinema leaflets etc. start to scan some of them in and add them into mark band 0-2.
complete the powerpoint relating to online safety. use the resources from and specifically concentrate on blogging, social networking and mobile phone use. Think about the discussions and the assembly
complete evidence ppt up to the start of modelling. ensure that you have ANNOTATED your work to explain clearly what each slide shows and what you have done. Remember - the ability to evaluate work against success criteria, explain the reasons for what you have done and use your initiative in putting together a consistent and professional presentation are extremely important aspects of your work - im many ways more important than just "doing stuff". Anyone who hasn't actually done everything should take the opportunity to get it done!
Mr Bidgood will be up with an email address for me - please would you then email me with your school emails as there is a project/experiment that I'd like to try out - thanks
Please note- it needs to be your SCHOOL email address.
Year 11
Continue with coursework!
Please watch Ethan so that he doesn't doss around. I'm going to be asking for work to be send through so since I marked everyone's work in the week before the hols I'm going to be expecing some considerable work to be done.
READ the instructions - that is what they are there for!
On the w