Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Year 10 cover period 1 - 9th December
1) look at the data capture forms in these links:

In this file, describe the steps that the form designer has undergone to make sure that the quality of the data is as accurate as possible.

Data capture form design

In the table below, try to identify methods that the form designer has used to cut down on the number of errors that are made when filling in the forms.

Think about how the QUALITY of the data has been improved when compared with older models.

Form 1

Form 2

Form 3

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Year 11 cover period 1 Wednesday
On my desk there is a stack of exam papers for revision.

research network "topologies" - shapes of networks, LAN and WAN, and database design - data types etc.

look at all the topics that you did for project 1a add on marks - these will all be in the exam (big hint there!)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Year 10

If you have not already done so, you should start the database exercise - see last post. If you have started it, please continue as best you can.
Next - choose if you are going to do a house or a car database. In word, make a list of facts about houses or cars that an estate agent or car dealer might want to record. choose the appropriate data types (text, number etc)

Year 7

continue with the myths and legends project. remember your success criteria and your plan - check that these are up to date.

Year 8 and Year 9

click here for the worksheet

You should choose at least 3 stories.

Complete this template

Monday, November 23, 2009

Year 7

continue with the myths and legends project. remember your success criteria and your plan - check that these are up to date.

Year 10

If you have not already done so, you should start the database exercise - see last post. If you have started it, please continue as best you can.
Next - choose if you are going to do a house or a car database. In word, make a list of facts about houses or cars that an estate agent or car dealer might want to record. choose the appropriate data types (text, number etc)

Year 9
click here for the worksheet

You should choose at least 3 stories.

Complete this template

Year 11

Mock revision. Make sure that you are up to date with the exercises on effects of ICT on society. Last lesson I forgot to mention this site - click here

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Year 9s

year 10s
If you have not already done so, you should start the database exercise - see last post. If you have started it, please continue as best you can.
Next - choose if you are going to do a house or a car database. In word, make a list of facts about houses or cars that an estate agent or car dealer might want to record. choose the appropriate data types (text, number etc)

year 11s
Mock revision. Make sure that you are up to date with the exercises on effects of ICT on society. Last lesson I forgot to mention this site - click here

year 7s
continue with the myths and legends project. remember your success criteria and your plan - check that these are up to date.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Year 11s - concentrate today on revising the social impacts of ICT - I want to look at how ict has affected jobs - new jobs/jobs changed (how?)/jobs lost. what changes jobs - communications, computers, robots?

text book pages: 222, 223, 224-5

and this on teleworking

Year 10s
If you have not already done so, do this:
The next project will be a house or car database – you’ll need to scan in some adverts from the stack on the window ledge. Orange text books at back – p116 case study and searching for information from a database

Activity 2 – file extensions

If you have completed this task then you should open this worksheet and follow the instructions on setting up a databse.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Year 10

Use the notes to make sure that as many tasks as possible are up to date.

The next project will be a house or car database – you’ll need to scan in some adverts from the stack on the window ledge.

Orange text books at back – p116 case study and searching for information from a database

Activity 2 – file extensions

Year 7

continue with the myths and legends work - make sure that your powerpoint plan is up to date.

Look at the post just down the page for details of how to log in and start creating your story.

Year 9

Task 1 – your second chance at collaborative planning. Lets face it – your first attempt was a rude and unpleasant – if it does not work out a second time then the whole class can do detentions until I have worked off my anger at the way you treat what should otherwise be an interesting activity!

Left side of room (looking at sports hall) click here
Back of the room click here
right side of the room (looking at bus bay) click here

Next, have a go at the flowol - greenhouse mimic- it doesn't matter if you get it wrong to start off with - the IT term for this is ITERATION - repeatedly redoing work to make it better.MAKE SURE THAT YOU SAVE THE WORK EACH TIME WITH A DIFFERET FILE NAME- E.G. GREENHOUSE 1, GREENHOUSE 2 ETC -EACH TIME YOU MAKE A CHANGE.

left side group

back group

right side group

Year 11

Mock revision using notes and textbooks on the topics I outlined in my post last week

Friday, November 13, 2009

Year 11s

1. Please save the current template that you ahve been working on into shared/cit/student work/year 11/work to be marked/

Please save it WITH YOUR NAME IN THE FILE NAME - e.g. Joe Bloggs design template

In yesterday's post I put a list of revision topics for the mock - work on that.

Year 10s

USe today's lesson to complete as much outstanding coursework as you can - nothing new today - it's time to make sure that you are as up to date as you can make it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Year 9

As part of this lesson you will me working together on an online document to plan what you might need to think about when it comes to working out how much money you will make when you sell the bedding plants.

You will be working in three groups - each group is the set of students sitting on a side of the classroom.

Left side of room (looking at sports hall) click here
Back of the room click here
right side of the room (looking at bus bay) click here

At the end of the lesson, click on IMPORT/EXPORT and choose word document to save the plan into your my documents folder.

TRY to avoid being silly - I can just check later who did what...
Having established as a group what your ideas are start, in your evidence powerpoint to come up with a list of the success criteria which you will use to evaluate how successful your spreadsheet is once you have finished it.

Have a go at the flowol - greenhouse mimic- it doesn't matter if you get it wrong to start off with - the IT term for this is ITERATION - repeatedly redoing work to make it better.MAKE SURE THAT YOU SAVE THE WORK EACH TIME WITH A DIFFERET FILE NAME- E.G. GREENHOUSE 1, GREENHOUSE 2 ETC -EACH TIME YOU MAKE A CHANGE.

Year 7
continue with the myths and legends work - make sure that your powerpoint plan is up to date.

Look at the post just down the page for details of how to log in and start creating your story.

Year 10
I'm re-posting the notes from last lesson to give you time to get everything done - please remember - this isn't a doss lesson - you really need to get on with the work and if you are stuck, ask for help.

Year 11 revision notes

click here and save the doc to your folder.
Follow the links to the different topic websites

Look in Shared/ICT/GCSE ICT and there are a couple of folders - theory and exam papers - both should help!
Year 10: nothing new today - take this as an opportunity to catch up on all the work set so far!

Anyone who thinks that they have done so should research the Data protection act.
try here.

7W - continue with the Myths and Legends story project. - for further details look below to the info given out yesterday.

the website for myths and legends is:


1: Click on Messages - if you have already signed in, do so. Otherwise click on "join for free"
2: Enter a user name and password - make sure that you'll remember it! (hint - use the school one so that I'll know who you are)
3)AS you can see from the pic, you'll have to type tenbury and then select the high school... Then click on join...

You have Chapters across the top - 10 in all, and each chapter is made up of 9 slides - click on story board in the bottom left to see them.

Remember - you need to STRUCTURE your story so that each chapter is separate - and a chapter will have to have several pages - just like in a book.

Year 8s

Ensure that you have done the powerpoint on e-safety.

Next, get someone to check it against the success criteria - see further down this blog if you can't remember them!

Add a new page - write down any feedback you ahve had.
Answer these questions:
do you think the feedback was valid?
If you disagree with the feedback, explain why
what changes would you make to improve your presentation?

Save the presentation (using FILE/SAVE AS) and add "after feedback" to the name of the file
Now you will have a before and after presentation - make sure you actually do the improvements!

Year 9 cover

powerpoint on internet safety.
using resources from the net, and what we talked about, use the powerpoint presentation to make young people aware of the need to be careful when putting info about themselves online.

target audience: students in years 5-8
success criteria:
all slides MUST be consistent - same background, colours, fonts, layouts etc. (This isn't just me - if you ever want to get above a level 3, then this is what you have to do! - to all the moaners out there who want their work to look "pretty" - tough!)
topics to include: blogging, social networking, using mobile phones

Next, get someone to check it against the success criteria - see further down this blog if you can't remember them!

Add a new page - write down any feedback you ahve had.
Answer these questions:
do you think the feedback was valid?
If you disagree with the feedback, explain why
what changes would you make to improve your presentation?

Save the presentation (using FILE/SAVE AS) and add "after feedback" to the name of the file
Now you will have a before and after presentation - make sure you actually do the improvements!

The following activity should take around 15 minutes and be started at 10am.

As part of this lesson you will me working together on an online document to plan what you might need to think about when it comes to working out how much money you will make when you sell the bedding plants.

You will be working in three groups - each group is the set of students sitting on a side of the classroom.

Left side of room (looking at sports hall) click here
Back of the room click here
right side of the room (looking at bus bay) click here

At the end of the lesson, click on IMPORT/EXPORT and choose word document to save the plan into your my documents folder.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Cover for DP

KS4 students: you can email me SENSIBLE questions that cannot be answered by reading the instructions in your coursework - I'll try and answer either via mail or as posts on this blog.

Year 7W - Tuesday and Wednesday

you are going to be writing a picture book aimed at KS2 students telling them about a famous historical event. The project will be in several parts - As I have already mentioned, planning and evaluating are more important than just doing "stuff" ,so for the IT bit we have to produce a plan - and that is what we'll be looking at today. Later on we get to actually put things together, and then we'll evaluate it. #

You will need to discuss what makes for a good picture story - the SUCCESS CRITERIA. This is a list of things that your story should be like - at the end this is what we'll be using to mark each others work - You'll get the chance to look at different stories and then grade them as to whether they meet the success criteria or not. You need to think about two different sets of things in the success critiera - 1 lot which is all about the picture book that you have made and the second lot about the language that you are using.

Shared/ICT/Year 7/myths and legends.ppt.

The way the software works is that you can have up to 10 chapters, and each chapter can have 9 pages.

Stories often have beginnings (where you set the scene, describe what is going on etc) A middle (where the stuff happens) and an end (where everything gets explained) You'll also need to think about what characters you are going to have etc.


Boys- no wars, fights or gun stories. It's ok to have a murder for example if you were telling a police story, but NOT just fighting fighting fighting like you all try to do in Drama!

Year 10s
coursework - carry on with what you are doing. Also, look at the troubleshooting section of mb5-7 in the add on marks. The idea of this is that the year 11s are total IT muppets and could'nt fix anything more complicated than a pencil!

Your task is to provide them with a troubleshooting guide to help them sort out the sorts of common IT problems that they face:

mouse/keyboard/printer/monitor/scanner etc not working (these are called peripherals)

what is the difference between PS/2 and serial / USB connection? which one needs to be restarted before the peripheral will work?

If words that they know are correctly spelled are highlighted as incorrect - why is this and what can you do to solve the problem?

why is it that sometimes files that you have saved and work on without problems at home cannot be used at school? What are the solutions?

Year 9s

evidence powerpoint - we strated it before the hols - you need to make sure that you have included ANNOTATED evidence of as much of the work as you can (hint - take this opportunity to finish off anyhting that you haven't done - e.g. collecting evaluation and feddback ideas)

Task 2:
powerpoint on internet safety.
using resources from the net, and what we talked about, use the powerpoint presentation to make young people aware of the need to be careful when putting info about themselves online.

target audience: students in years 5-8
success criteria:
all slides MUST be consistent - same background, colours, fonts, layouts etc. (This isn't just me - if you ever want to get above a level 3, then this is what you have to do! - to all the moaners out there who want their work to look "pretty" - tough!)
topics to include: blogging, social networking, using mobile phones

Year 11s - look at yesterday's notes for what you have to do.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Year 9 cover

powerpoint on internet safety.
using resources from the net, and what we talked about, use the powerpoint presentation to make young people aware of the need to be careful when putting info about themselves online.

target audience: students in years 5-8
success criteria:
all slides MUST be consistent - same background, colours, fonts, layouts etc. (This isn't just me - if you ever want to get above a level 3, then this is what you have to do! - to all the moaners out there who want their work to look "pretty" - tough!)
topics to include: blogging, social networking, using mobile phones

The following activity should take around 15 minutes and be started at 10am.

As part of this lesson you will me working together on an online document to plan what you might need to think about when it comes to working out how much money you will make when you sell the bedding plants.

You will be working in three groups - each group is the set of students sitting on a side of the classroom.

Left side of room (looking at sports hall) click here
Back of the room click here
right side of the room (looking at bus bay) click here

At the end of the lesson, click on IMPORT/EXPORT and choose word document to save the plan into your my documents folder.

Year 10s

review/complete troubleshooting task started last lesson.

There is a big stack of paper resources on the window ledge facing the bus bay. Scan and review usefulness of 3 different sources - e.g. the school badge (hint - you used this one!) a film leaflet (hint - when would the films be available on DVD?) and a picture (hint - what state is it in?) or text (hint - how will you get the text into your leaflet)
You'll need clear explanations IN SENTENCES as to why some paper resources get used - either scanned in and put in leaflet or as a guide on how to set up a leaflet, or why some are not used.

You also have to do a report on how to work safely at a PC - this is to do with health and safety at work. you can google for stuff - but remember - the examiners will be seeing the same stuff from thousands of people who think that they can just copy and paste of the net - I'm afraid that you'll have to actually write something yourselves!

look in the text books on p225-230 (hint)

Year 11s

Mock revision.

HINT - these topics will be in the mock

If you haven't already done so (sorry - I cant remember which group did the network task) - then scroll down the page for details of what to do - make notes on different types of networks and answer questions based on a case study.

Thereafter: topic = ICT and its effects on society.

employment - jobs created/changed/lost due to ict
shopping and effects of ict on high street
ict and the law - review project 1a

Systems - p.240 - analysis, design, implementation, testing, documentation, evaluation - sound familiar? there has ALWAYS been a question on this - e.g. what does dan need to do before setting up a new database system?

look in shared/ict/gcse ict/and there are variou folders of resources - "theory" and a folder of all the exam questions ever asked sorted by category - with their answers!

This should take you all week to do, plus this is also A HOMEWORK TASK!

Year 7 period 5

you are going to be writing a picture book aimed at KS2 students telling them about a famous historical event. The project will be in several parts - As I have already mentioned, planning and evaluating are more important than just doing "stuff" ,so for the IT bit we have to produce a plan - and that is what we'll be looking at today. Later on we get to actually put things together, and then we'll evaluate it. #

You will need to discuss what makes for a good picture story - the SUCCESS CRITERIA. This is a list of things that your story should be like - at the end this is what we'll be using to mark each others work - You'll get the chance to look at different stories and then grade them as to whether they meet the success criteria or not. You need to think about two different sets of things in the success critiera - 1 lot which is all about the picture book that you have made and the second lot about the language that you are using.

Shared/ICT/Year 7/myths and legends.ppt.

The way the software works is that you can have up to 10 chapters, and each chapter can have 9 pages.

Stories often have beginnings (where you set the scene, describe what is going on etc) A middle (where the stuff happens) and an end (where everything gets explained) You'll also need to think about what characters you are going to have etc.


Boys- no wars, fights or gun stories. It's ok to have a murder for example if you were telling a police story, but NOT just fighting fighting fighting like you all try to do in Drama!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Cover for DP

Year 11 students: investigate, using the text books at the back different network TOPOLOGIES (this is a fancy name for how a network is laid out)

In a word document called "exam revision" put the following headings:
peer 2 peer / client server

What are they?
pros and cons?
look at case study on p158-9 and answer questions - fully, using proper sentences and full, clear explanations

what topology is the school network? is it peer to peer or client server?

HINT: This topic WILL be in the mock exam!

Year 10s
look at the troubleshooting section of mb5-7 in the add on marks. The idea of this is that the year 11s are total IT muppets and could'nt fix anything more complicated than a pencil!

Your task is to provide them with a troubleshooting guide to help them sort out the sorts of common IT problems that they face:

mouse/keyboard/printer/monitor/scanner etc not working (these are called peripherals)

what is the difference between PS/2 and serial / USB connection? which one needs to be restarted before the peripheral will work?

If words that they know are correctly spelled are highlighted as incorrect - why is this and what can you do to solve the problem?

why is it that sometimes files that you have saved and work on without problems at home cannot be used at school? What are the solutions?

Year 10 students: get on with your coursework!

Year 11s:

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Cover for DP 5th November

periods 1&2 year 8 and 7T

comeplete powerpoint on internet safety.
using resources from the net, and what we talked about, use the powerpoint presentation to make young people aware of the need to be careful when putting info about themselves online.

target audience: students in years 5-8
success criteria:
all slides MUST be consistent - same background, colours, fonts, layouts etc. (This isn't just me - if you ever want to get above a level 3, then this is what you have to do! - to all the moaners out there who want their work to look "pretty" - tough!)
topics to include: blogging, social networking, using mobile phones

Year 7 period 3

you are going to be writing a picture book aimed at KS2 students telling them about a famous historical event. The project will be in several parts - As I have already mentioned, planning and evaluating are more important than just doing "stuff" ,so for the IT bit we have to produce a plan - and that is what we'll be looking at today. Later on we get to actually put things together, and then we'll evaluate it. #

You will need to discuss what makes for a good picture story - the SUCCESS CRITERIA. This is a list of things that your story should be like - at the end this is what we'll be using to mark each others work - You'll get the chance to look at different stories and then grade them as to whether they meet the success criteria or not. You need o think about two different sets of things in the success critiera - 1 lot which is all about the picture book that you have made and the second lot about the language that you are using.

Mr Bidgood will come in and tell you where the worksheet is for this planning section.

The way the software works is that you can have up to 10 chapters, and each chapter can have 9 pages.

Stories often have beginnings (where you set the scene, describe what is going on etc) A middle (where the stuff happens) and an end (where everything gets explained) You'll also need to think about what characters you are going to have etc.


Boys- no wars, fights or gun stories. It's ok to have a murder for example if you were telling a police story, but NOT just fighting fighting fighting like you all try to do in Drama!

Year 10 - period 4

questions can be emailed to me at
HOWEVER: read the instructions first and actually try to think what it's all about before asking daft questions, 'cos if I think that they are daft, then I'll tel you so rather than tell you what to do!

research task: what type of software is a driver and what does it do?

Everyon : get on with your work!

Mark band 3-4 in add on marks:
You need to consider the pros and cons of three different scenarios - on-line vs high street shopping, email vs post for keeping in touch with Auntie Val in Oz, and doing your homework on the computer or by hand. On the
window ledge on the printer side of the room there are a bunch of film reviews, cinema leaflets etc. start to scan some of them in and add them into mark band 0-2.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

cover for DP 4th November

Year 11s - periods 1 and 3
continue with coursework.
questions can be emailed to me at
HOWEVER: read the instructions first and actually try to think what it's all about before asking daft questions, 'cos if I think that they are daft, then I'll tel you so rather than tell you what to do!

for design section, remember that you need 2 of everything, plus an evaluation: 2 PCs, 2 printers, 2 forms etc. In the evaluation, relate to the user requirements - you'll find that affordable, professional looking and easy to use are the best URs to use ...

Year 10 - period 3

group 1: students who sit on printer side of room - facing bus bay
Mark band 5-7 of add on marks.
google for a diag. relating to health and safety and ICT. identify the common health problems associated with using a PC and how to avoid them. You could either annotate a diagor write a list. BEWARE: most of the common diags that you find that are already labelled have been around for years and simply using one of these and/or changing a few words in the text will get you no marks.

research task: what type of software is a driver and what does it do?

Everyone else: get on with your work!

Mark band 3-4 in add on marks:
You need to consider the pros and cons of three different scenarios - on-line vs high street shopping, email vs post for keeping in touch with Auntie Val in Oz, and doing your homework on the computer or my hand
indow ledge behind where Charlotte sits there are a bunch of film reviews, cinema leaflets etc. start to scan some of them in and add them into mark band 0-2.

Year 8 - Period 4

2 options: if Mrs Lampard is covering, last lesson the students imported the data from the shared files into their databases - please go through using filters with them in the database to do worksheet 1 which has been customised for my groups

option 2 - a different teacher covering:
last lesson before half term we were talking about internet safety - using resources from the net, and what we talked about, prepare a powerpoint presentation on what young people need to be aware of when putting info about themselves online.

target audience: students in years 5-8
success criteria:
all slides MUST be consistent - same background, colours, fonts, layouts etc. (This isn't just me - if you ever want to get above a level 3, then this is what you have to do! - to all the moaners out there who want their work to look "pretty" - tough!)
topics to include: blogging, social networking, using mobile phones

Monday, November 02, 2009

Cover for DP 3rd November
group 1: students who sit on printer side of room - facing bus bay
Mark band 5-7 of add on marks.
google for a diag. relating to health and safety and ICT. identify the common health problems associated with using a PC and how to avoid them. You could either annotate a diagor write a list. BEWARE: most of the common diags that you find that are already labelled have been around for years and simply using one of these and/or changing a few words in the text will get you no marks.

research task: what type of software is a driver and what does it do?

Everyone else: get on with your work!

Mark band 3-4 in add on marks:
You need to consider the pros and cons of three different scenarios - on-line vs high street shopping, email vs post for keeping in touch with Auntie Val in Oz, and doing your homework on the computer or my hand
indow ledge behind where Charlotte sits there are a bunch of film reviews, cinema leaflets etc. start to scan some of them in and add them into mark band 0-2.


complete the powerpoint relating to online safety. use the resources from and specifically concentrate on blogging, social networking and mobile phone use. Think about the discussions and the assembly

complete evidence ppt up to the start of modelling. ensure that you have ANNOTATED your work to explain clearly what each slide shows and what you have done. Remember - the ability to evaluate work against success criteria, explain the reasons for what you have done and use your initiative in putting together a consistent and professional presentation are extremely important aspects of your work - im many ways more important than just "doing stuff". Anyone who hasn't actually done everything should take the opportunity to get it done!

Mr Bidgood will be up with an email address for me - please would you then email me with your school emails as there is a project/experiment that I'd like to try out - thanks

Please note- it needs to be your SCHOOL email address.

Year 11

Continue with coursework!

Please watch Ethan so that he doesn't doss around. I'm going to be asking for work to be send through so since I marked everyone's work in the week before the hols I'm going to be expecing some considerable work to be done.

READ the instructions - that is what they are there for!

On the w

Sunday, January 18, 2009

About Me

The one problem that I find as an ICT teacher is that all these kids get in the way of my interaction with the computers