powerpoint on internet safety.
using resources from the net, www.thunkuknow.co.uk and what we talked about, use the powerpoint presentation to make young people aware of the need to be careful when putting info about themselves online.
target audience: students in years 5-8
success criteria:
all slides MUST be consistent - same background, colours, fonts, layouts etc. (This isn't just me - if you ever want to get above a level 3, then this is what you have to do! - to all the moaners out there who want their work to look "pretty" - tough!)
topics to include: blogging, social networking, using mobile phones
The following activity should take around 15 minutes and be started at 10am.
As part of this lesson you will me working together on an online document to plan what you might need to think about when it comes to working out how much money you will make when you sell the bedding plants.
You will be working in three groups - each group is the set of students sitting on a side of the classroom.
Left side of room (looking at sports hall) click here
Back of the room click here
right side of the room (looking at bus bay) click here
At the end of the lesson, click on IMPORT/EXPORT and choose word document to save the plan into your my documents folder.
Year 10s
review/complete troubleshooting task started last lesson.
There is a big stack of paper resources on the window ledge facing the bus bay. Scan and review usefulness of 3 different sources - e.g. the school badge (hint - you used this one!) a film leaflet (hint - when would the films be available on DVD?) and a picture (hint - what state is it in?) or text (hint - how will you get the text into your leaflet)
You'll need clear explanations IN SENTENCES as to why some paper resources get used - either scanned in and put in leaflet or as a guide on how to set up a leaflet, or why some are not used.
You also have to do a report on how to work safely at a PC - this is to do with health and safety at work. you can google for stuff - but remember - the examiners will be seeing the same stuff from thousands of people who think that they can just copy and paste of the net - I'm afraid that you'll have to actually write something yourselves!
look in the text books on p225-230 (hint)
Year 11s
Mock revision.
HINT - these topics will be in the mock
If you haven't already done so (sorry - I cant remember which group did the network task) - then scroll down the page for details of what to do - make notes on different types of networks and answer questions based on a case study.
Thereafter: topic = ICT and its effects on society.
employment - jobs created/changed/lost due to ict
shopping and effects of ict on high street
ict and the law - review project 1a
Systems - p.240 - analysis, design, implementation, testing, documentation, evaluation - sound familiar? there has ALWAYS been a question on this - e.g. what does dan need to do before setting up a new database system?
look in shared/ict/gcse ict/and there are variou folders of resources - "theory" and a folder of all the exam questions ever asked sorted by category - with their answers!
This should take you all week to do, plus this is also A HOMEWORK TASK!
Year 7 period 5
you are going to be writing a picture book aimed at KS2 students telling them about a famous historical event. The project will be in several parts - As I have already mentioned, planning and evaluating are more important than just doing "stuff" ,so for the IT bit we have to produce a plan - and that is what we'll be looking at today. Later on we get to actually put things together, and then we'll evaluate it. #
You will need to discuss what makes for a good picture story - the SUCCESS CRITERIA. This is a list of things that your story should be like - at the end this is what we'll be using to mark each others work - You'll get the chance to look at different stories and then grade them as to whether they meet the success criteria or not. You need to think about two different sets of things in the success critiera - 1 lot which is all about the picture book that you have made and the second lot about the language that you are using.
Shared/ICT/Year 7/myths and legends.ppt.
The way the software works is that you can have up to 10 chapters, and each chapter can have 9 pages.
Stories often have beginnings (where you set the scene, describe what is going on etc) A middle (where the stuff happens) and an end (where everything gets explained) You'll also need to think about what characters you are going to have etc.
Boys- no wars, fights or gun stories. It's ok to have a murder for example if you were telling a police story, but NOT just fighting fighting fighting like you all try to do in Drama!
you are going to be writing a picture book aimed at KS2 students telling them about a famous historical event. The project will be in several parts - As I have already mentioned, planning and evaluating are more important than just doing "stuff" ,so for the IT bit we have to produce a plan - and that is what we'll be looking at today. Later on we get to actually put things together, and then we'll evaluate it. #
You will need to discuss what makes for a good picture story - the SUCCESS CRITERIA. This is a list of things that your story should be like - at the end this is what we'll be using to mark each others work - You'll get the chance to look at different stories and then grade them as to whether they meet the success criteria or not. You need to think about two different sets of things in the success critiera - 1 lot which is all about the picture book that you have made and the second lot about the language that you are using.
Shared/ICT/Year 7/myths and legends.ppt.
The way the software works is that you can have up to 10 chapters, and each chapter can have 9 pages.
Stories often have beginnings (where you set the scene, describe what is going on etc) A middle (where the stuff happens) and an end (where everything gets explained) You'll also need to think about what characters you are going to have etc.
Boys- no wars, fights or gun stories. It's ok to have a murder for example if you were telling a police story, but NOT just fighting fighting fighting like you all try to do in Drama!