Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Year 10: nothing new today - take this as an opportunity to catch up on all the work set so far!

Anyone who thinks that they have done so should research the Data protection act.
try here.

7W - continue with the Myths and Legends story project. - for further details look below to the info given out yesterday.

the website for myths and legends is:


1: Click on Messages - if you have already signed in, do so. Otherwise click on "join for free"
2: Enter a user name and password - make sure that you'll remember it! (hint - use the school one so that I'll know who you are)
3)AS you can see from the pic, you'll have to type tenbury and then select the high school... Then click on join...

You have Chapters across the top - 10 in all, and each chapter is made up of 9 slides - click on story board in the bottom left to see them.

Remember - you need to STRUCTURE your story so that each chapter is separate - and a chapter will have to have several pages - just like in a book.

Year 8s

Ensure that you have done the powerpoint on e-safety.

Next, get someone to check it against the success criteria - see further down this blog if you can't remember them!

Add a new page - write down any feedback you ahve had.
Answer these questions:
do you think the feedback was valid?
If you disagree with the feedback, explain why
what changes would you make to improve your presentation?

Save the presentation (using FILE/SAVE AS) and add "after feedback" to the name of the file
Now you will have a before and after presentation - make sure you actually do the improvements!

Year 9 cover

powerpoint on internet safety.
using resources from the net, and what we talked about, use the powerpoint presentation to make young people aware of the need to be careful when putting info about themselves online.

target audience: students in years 5-8
success criteria:
all slides MUST be consistent - same background, colours, fonts, layouts etc. (This isn't just me - if you ever want to get above a level 3, then this is what you have to do! - to all the moaners out there who want their work to look "pretty" - tough!)
topics to include: blogging, social networking, using mobile phones

Next, get someone to check it against the success criteria - see further down this blog if you can't remember them!

Add a new page - write down any feedback you ahve had.
Answer these questions:
do you think the feedback was valid?
If you disagree with the feedback, explain why
what changes would you make to improve your presentation?

Save the presentation (using FILE/SAVE AS) and add "after feedback" to the name of the file
Now you will have a before and after presentation - make sure you actually do the improvements!

The following activity should take around 15 minutes and be started at 10am.

As part of this lesson you will me working together on an online document to plan what you might need to think about when it comes to working out how much money you will make when you sell the bedding plants.

You will be working in three groups - each group is the set of students sitting on a side of the classroom.

Left side of room (looking at sports hall) click here
Back of the room click here
right side of the room (looking at bus bay) click here

At the end of the lesson, click on IMPORT/EXPORT and choose word document to save the plan into your my documents folder.

About Me

The one problem that I find as an ICT teacher is that all these kids get in the way of my interaction with the computers