Year 9
As part of this lesson you will me working together on an online document to plan what you might need to think about when it comes to working out how much money you will make when you sell the bedding plants.
You will be working in three groups - each group is the set of students sitting on a side of the classroom.
Left side of room (looking at sports hall) click here
Back of the room click here
right side of the room (looking at bus bay) click here
At the end of the lesson, click on IMPORT/EXPORT and choose word document to save the plan into your my documents folder.
TRY to avoid being silly - I can just check later who did what...
Having established as a group what your ideas are start, in your evidence powerpoint to come up with a list of the success criteria which you will use to evaluate how successful your spreadsheet is once you have finished it.
Have a go at the flowol - greenhouse mimic- it doesn't matter if you get it wrong to start off with - the IT term for this is ITERATION - repeatedly redoing work to make it better.MAKE SURE THAT YOU SAVE THE WORK EACH TIME WITH A DIFFERET FILE NAME- E.G. GREENHOUSE 1, GREENHOUSE 2 ETC -EACH TIME YOU MAKE A CHANGE.
continue with the myths and legends work - make sure that your powerpoint plan is up to date.
Look at the post just down the page for details of how to log in and start creating your story.
Year 10
I'm re-posting the notes from last lesson to give you time to get everything done - please remember - this isn't a doss lesson - you really need to get on with the work and if you are stuck, ask for help.