Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Cover for 3rd November

Year 11s
Before you do anything else, you need to check through for any comments that I have made in the marked work, and then work out what you need to do to turn the yellow marks green. Add greater detail in your explanation, provide clearer annotation etc.

If you have finished this, you need to set up a mail merge letter as per your scanned in plan.
Remember to use a logo (you don't get marked for artistic skill, but equally, don't make it too rubbish!)
to actually find out how to do the mail merge, go to shared/ict/video demonstrations/basic mail merge and watch the video clip that shows you what to do. At each stage you need to produce a screenshot and annotate it for your implementation template.

Year 7
Shared/ict/year 7/scratch/ppts/look at worksheets 3 and 4. This is your chance to experiment and see what you can come up with. Try to impress me when I get back!

Year 10 period 3 - this is timetabled in room 19, but we swap rooms to room 18
Last lesson we started the children's ward project - (shared/ict/gcse for year 10s/independent project/lesson 1.

You need to make sure that you have your database set up as we planned it and have entered the details of 8 of the companies from the list.

If you have done this, then you should do worksheet 2 - designing a logo and creating a flyer that you could send to the companies to ask them to contribute.

Year 10 - period 4
independent database project sheets 1 and 2.

If you have finished you need then to design a letterhead using the logo that you have already created.
You are going to 1) write to all the companies in your list to ask them to contribute.

If you manage to get this done, you should do a second letter just to those who are actually going to donate toys to thank them for doing so - this means that you need to do a query in the database first, and then do a mail merge based on the query.

About Me

The one problem that I find as an ICT teacher is that all these kids get in the way of my interaction with the computers