Monday, May 01, 2006

Cover for DP 2-5-06

Year 11s – period 1 and 3
Anyone who has not already completed the evaluation sheet (Shared – ICT – GCSE ICT – Project 2 – Evaluation – EvaluationGuide.doc) should do so. Work to be printed out and put on my desk with name CLEARLY visible!
GCSE Revision: Use a range of web sites and revision books to revise the following topics:
Effects of ICT on society: consider how computers affect how we work – what jobs have been affected and how.
Laws relating to ICT:
· Data Protection Act
· Computer Misuse Act
· Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
· Health and safety regulations

Year 10 – Period 2
Make sure that USER REQUIREMENTS (inc analysis of how tasks are carried out and problems encountered) are completed.
Continue with the section on collecting information.
Tasks required:
· Write up of how appointment was made
· Details of visit
· Questionnaire to collect information about the organisation (i.e. the facts that you wrote about in the user requirements section)
· Think of different ways that you coud have got the information that you needed (phone, fax etc.) – write up a section explaining how you would have used these methods if you had not been able to go and interview Mr Smith.
· Analyse these different methods – what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods (inc. conducting and interview). Decide which method (the one you used?) would be the best way of collecting the information that you need.

Year 9 – Period 5
Keeping safe online: Please ask students to suggest a range of ideas for keeping their personal information safe when going online. They should use these ideas to design a poster for year 6 students (AUDIENCE) to advise them on what they should and should not do.
Anyone who has done this/needs something to do should do this:
Data entry: Students need to open their databases and make sure that they have details of at least 15 cars entered into their database.

About Me

The one problem that I find as an ICT teacher is that all these kids get in the way of my interaction with the computers