Wednesday, November 04, 2009

cover for DP 4th November

Year 11s - periods 1 and 3
continue with coursework.
questions can be emailed to me at
HOWEVER: read the instructions first and actually try to think what it's all about before asking daft questions, 'cos if I think that they are daft, then I'll tel you so rather than tell you what to do!

for design section, remember that you need 2 of everything, plus an evaluation: 2 PCs, 2 printers, 2 forms etc. In the evaluation, relate to the user requirements - you'll find that affordable, professional looking and easy to use are the best URs to use ...

Year 10 - period 3

group 1: students who sit on printer side of room - facing bus bay
Mark band 5-7 of add on marks.
google for a diag. relating to health and safety and ICT. identify the common health problems associated with using a PC and how to avoid them. You could either annotate a diagor write a list. BEWARE: most of the common diags that you find that are already labelled have been around for years and simply using one of these and/or changing a few words in the text will get you no marks.

research task: what type of software is a driver and what does it do?

Everyone else: get on with your work!

Mark band 3-4 in add on marks:
You need to consider the pros and cons of three different scenarios - on-line vs high street shopping, email vs post for keeping in touch with Auntie Val in Oz, and doing your homework on the computer or my hand
indow ledge behind where Charlotte sits there are a bunch of film reviews, cinema leaflets etc. start to scan some of them in and add them into mark band 0-2.

Year 8 - Period 4

2 options: if Mrs Lampard is covering, last lesson the students imported the data from the shared files into their databases - please go through using filters with them in the database to do worksheet 1 which has been customised for my groups

option 2 - a different teacher covering:
last lesson before half term we were talking about internet safety - using resources from the net, and what we talked about, prepare a powerpoint presentation on what young people need to be aware of when putting info about themselves online.

target audience: students in years 5-8
success criteria:
all slides MUST be consistent - same background, colours, fonts, layouts etc. (This isn't just me - if you ever want to get above a level 3, then this is what you have to do! - to all the moaners out there who want their work to look "pretty" - tough!)
topics to include: blogging, social networking, using mobile phones

About Me

The one problem that I find as an ICT teacher is that all these kids get in the way of my interaction with the computers