Sunday, November 15, 2009

Year 10

Use the notes to make sure that as many tasks as possible are up to date.

The next project will be a house or car database – you’ll need to scan in some adverts from the stack on the window ledge.

Orange text books at back – p116 case study and searching for information from a database

Activity 2 – file extensions

Year 7

continue with the myths and legends work - make sure that your powerpoint plan is up to date.

Look at the post just down the page for details of how to log in and start creating your story.

Year 9

Task 1 – your second chance at collaborative planning. Lets face it – your first attempt was a rude and unpleasant – if it does not work out a second time then the whole class can do detentions until I have worked off my anger at the way you treat what should otherwise be an interesting activity!

Left side of room (looking at sports hall) click here
Back of the room click here
right side of the room (looking at bus bay) click here

Next, have a go at the flowol - greenhouse mimic- it doesn't matter if you get it wrong to start off with - the IT term for this is ITERATION - repeatedly redoing work to make it better.MAKE SURE THAT YOU SAVE THE WORK EACH TIME WITH A DIFFERET FILE NAME- E.G. GREENHOUSE 1, GREENHOUSE 2 ETC -EACH TIME YOU MAKE A CHANGE.

left side group

back group

right side group

Year 11

Mock revision using notes and textbooks on the topics I outlined in my post last week

About Me

The one problem that I find as an ICT teacher is that all these kids get in the way of my interaction with the computers